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Rooted in Strength, Blooming in Purpose – Black Blossom Society Guides Your Journey.

A Supportive Network For Mothers, With Special Focus On Teenage Mothers

Rooted In Strength Blooming In Purpose

Flower Arrangements

Join us as we embrace the beauty of individuality and collectively flourish like blossoms in full bloom.

Black Blossom Society aims to inspire and uplift, fostering a community where every woman can bloom into her authentic self.

From Seeds  Of Change To Blooms Of Success

Our Expertise



Here, members receive dedicated via 1:1 & group coaching attention from our skilled coaches, creating a confidential and transformative space where they can delve deeper into their unique challenges and aspirations, allowing for a more customized and intimate coaching experience with Black Blossom Society.


Community Events

Explore inspiring events with Black Blossom Society, from virtual workshops for practical insights to empowering seminars fostering resilience. Connect with like-minded individuals in networking mixers, set actionable goals in workshops, and join insightful book club discussions. Our events are crafted to inspire personal growth and empower your unique journey within our community.


Community Forum

Engage in discussions on personal development, wellness, and empowerment, guided by the principles of resilience and self-discovery. Whether you're seeking advice, sharing successes, or simply connecting with like-minded individuals, our forum is a safe haven for fostering connections that inspire each member to blossom into their fullest potential. Join the conversation and let the community spirit of Black Blossom Society propel you on your path to personal growth and empowerment.

Get inspired & Stay Informed Of The Resources Available To you

Resource Blog

How I Provide Value To You

Who Is Latrice 

As a licensed Realtor® in the Northern Virginia area, my mission is to facilitate homeownership for low to moderate-income families. I achieve this goal by providing access to various programs and offering assistance with down payments.

As an aspiring psychologist, My mission is to create an empowering ecosystem where mothers to fostering personal and professional growth, My focus is on building a diverse and inclusive community that offers tailored support, resources, and advocacy. Through my initiatives, I aim to provide a safe space for mothers to thrive and succeed on their unique journeys.


As a life coach dedicated to supporting mothers, my focus is on empowering and guiding these incredible individuals through the unique challenges and joys of motherhood. I provide a nurturing space where mothers can explore self-discovery, set personalized goals, and enhance their overall well-being. Together, we navigate the intricacies of balancing family life, personal aspirations, and self-care, fostering resilience and confidence. My mission is to help mothers bloom into their authentic selves, finding strength and fulfillment in every aspect of their multifaceted roles.

As Seen On

Blooming Tennis Court

Let’s Start Planning the Best Days of Your Life

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